Do your Best

Do your Best

Always Do Your Best: Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret. This is the fourth agreement,...
Let go of what has passed

Let go of what has passed

Don’t recall. Let  go of what has passed. This is the first of six nails or teachings of a Buddhist monk Tilopa.  How profound? Can we do this? Not to recall; let go of what has passed. The human mind is conditioned to avoid pain and seek pleasure. So,...


WISHING  EVERYONE  OF  YOU  A  HAPPY  NEW  YEAR. Now something about what I do.  I am an ICF certified Coach with a passion to assist people gain clarity in their thinking and thereby lead to laser focused action.  What is...
Don’t imagine: Let go of what may come

Don’t imagine: Let go of what may come

This is the second nail or teaching from Tilopa. What he is actually saying here?. We have heard that imagination is a gift given to humankind and because of imagination the civilization has progressed tremendously. Is Tilopa telling us to stop imagining...
A Question to ponder

A Question to ponder

I had subscribed to the email of James Clear, author of the book Atomic Habits. In a recent mail I got a question from him to ponder. The question is “What is something wonderful about your life that you rarely appreciate as much as you should? “ What a profound...