Now something about what I do.
I am an ICF certified Coach with a passion to assist people gain clarity in their thinking and thereby lead to laser focused action.
What is coaching? International Coaching Federation defines coaching as “partnering with a client in a thought provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. “
I am sure, you must have glanced into a mirror before you got out for work, job or any other activity. Why do you do that? It is essential to know if you look presentable for the meeting you are attending. The mirror reflects your image and you see yourself and change your appearance if necessary.
When was the last time you peeped into a mirror for your internal world of thoughts, beliefs and emotions? As a coach ,I am the mirror who will reflect your internal world to you without any distortions or judgments. This will enable you to introspect and make the necessary changes for your happiness and purpose. I hope to help you understand yourself better and provide you with tools to effectively reflect on your thought process. I will work with you to help you achieve your potential.
Are you feeling stuck in your job?
Are you apprehensive of the promotion and overwhelmed about how will you handle that?
Are you contemplating a change in career but feeling worried about it?
Do you sometimes feel you should improve your communication so that you can progress in your career?
Do you think you would like to improve your relationship with your boss or significant other?
In the current Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous world do you think you need a thinking partner?
Then, as a Coach, I can be of help. I will be a mirror to your internal world who will assist you to be the beacon of change.
If you would like to have session with me, I look forward to connecting with you. My email is pundemadhav65@gmail.com or madhavpunde@rediffmail.com
You can see my Linked In profile here
We can set up a meeting and see how it evolves.